




Winnipeg Mortgage Brokers - The Most Expensive Home Remodeling Mistakes - and How to Avoid Them

Home remodeling is a big investment, particularly if you are doing more than one room or area at a time. With the amount of money you are already putting into your renovation project, you definitely don’t want to make mistakes that will make those costs add up even more. Mistakes are inevitable, but you can avoid the most expensive ones by familiarizing yourself with the list below:

Not Knowing Your (DYI) Limits
Watching a few home renovation shows does not an expert make – but unfortunately, many aspiring DIYers don’t recognize or admit to this fact. While their enthusiasm for the project and their commitment to saving money is commendable, there are certain aspects of home improvement that should be left to the professionals, such as bathroom remodeling that requires plumbing work.

If you find yourself in the middle of a home renovation and suddenly realize that you’re in over your head, you’ll need to consult with (and pay more for) a professional, who will be able to finish the project for you and correct anything you may have inadvertently messed up. To avoid this additional expense, accept your limits and don’t try to do something that’s beyond your skill level.

Not Vetting Your Contractor
There are many contractors out there who genuinely love helping homeowners achieve the home renovation of their dreams – and others who just want to make a quick buck with no regard to quality workmanship or service. To ensure that your contractor is the former rather than the latter, take the time to research any contractor you’re considering hiring: ask questions, conduct interviews and check on their references. After all, it’s better to get it right the first time rather than have to pay another contractor to come in and complete the project or fix the previous contractor’s mistakes.

Not Following Building Codes
While it may seem like just a big hassle, following local rules for building permits and codes is non-negotiable. If you fail to abide by these standards, the consequences could range from fines and issues with the future sale of your house, to being required to tear all the work you did down – and nobody’s going to reimburse you for what you already put into it. It’s best to follow building codes and get the right permits from the get-go when doing a remodel.

Not Allowing for Unexpected Expenses
One mistake many homeowners make is not leaving room in their budget for the unexpected expenses that tend to pop up during a home renovation. Anything from the delay of parts or supplies coming in to underlying issues that are discovered after the remodel begins could raise project costs, so plan on the unexpected happening and adjust your budget accordingly.

Are home renovations in your future? For a free, no obligation consultation to discuss how to get started, please contact one of our experienced Winnipeg Mortgage Brokers by phone at 204-954-7620 or by email at

Source: Handyman Connection